The FHI HRM Current Affairs Seminar 2019 opened with an introduction by Tjeerd Hoekstra and Amajanti van de Beek, CMS. Hoekstra and Van de Beek explain the latest developments in employment law, such as upcoming changes in dismissal law and changes in flexible employment contracts due to the arrival of the WAB.

Ruud Rooker, HBR Industry Insurance and Pension, discussed the 'pension strangulation' in the company Pension Fund for Metal and Technology. In a second parallel session, Sara Cauwenbergh from Indeed spoke about how HR managers can find the right employees. During the workshop, topics such as writing effective vacancy texts were discussed. Leonie van der Smeede, online marketer at FHI, talked about the vacancy opportunities at FHI Digital Service. This can be used by FHI members.

In the second round of parallel sessions, the first session was for Haley Lancaster from ArboNed. She held a knowledge session about the thin dividing line between healthy work pressure and unhealthy work stress, and the role played by an employee's lifestyle. During this session, participants were able to perform a quick mini health check.

Geke Schuiteman from Bureau Baarda addressed the question of whether a 'classic' assessment interview is a thing of the past. According to Schuiteman, there remains a need for a formalized conversation, but in these new times there are other ways to do performance development. During the workshop, Schuiteman gave a number of examples of how assessments in companies and organizations can be designed based on new insights.

The HRM Current Affairs seminar concluded with a HAKA workshop. When performing this ceremonial dance, mutual connection and team building are central. After gaining all the newly acquired knowledge and impressions, the participants could catch up with each other during the closing drinks.


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FHI, federatie van technologiebranches