BSI's Meet the Experts – MedTech Edition
September 11, 2024 | Amsterdam

We would like to invite you to the BSI Meet the Experts 2024 – MedTech Edition event focused on EU MDR, to be held in Amsterdam on September 11, 2024. 

BSI can help you navigate the highly regulated MedTech sector in the European Union. We have developed a special event where you can learn more about the MDR process from a Notified Body & Certification Body perspective.

Attend this comprehensive event and experience the latest MDR developments, IEC 60601 testing, specific clarification of MDR requirements and technical documentation submissions. We will then offer separate sessions on how to work with BSI, Section 117 for pharmaceutical companies, software as a medical device and artificial intelligence (AI) in medical devices. Furthermore, this is a unique opportunity to meet our BSI team and ask any questions you may have about MDR.  

The conference will be preceded by a “Get Together” session on September 10 from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM, where you will have the opportunity to speak to all of BSI's experts. This is optional.

Register now!

FHI, federatie van technologiebranches