Do you want to optimize the use of your Micro Gas Chromatograph? Then choose the special Micro GC training that Da Vinci Laboratory Solutions offers. During this one-day course you will gain more insight into the analysis technique, the various hardware components and their maintenance. Our training courses are given by specialists with years of experience in gas chromatography. During this training you will learn more about the basic principles of Micro gas chromatography. We also explain the different parts of the Micro GC step by step. This will give you a comprehensive picture of the structure of a Micro GC system and you will be better able to understand what to pay attention to when using it. Various applications are then highlighted, so you can learn to recognize and prevent the most common problems. During this one-day course, the following topics are explained: • Structure of the Micro GC • Possible options per channel • Possible sampling options • Overview of applications • Do's and don'ts when using the Micro GC • Recognizing problems and solving them Interested ? For the course dates, see:
FHI, federatie van technologiebranches