The following working groups are active in the Building Automation sector:

By clicking on a working group you will find information about the specific working group, the working group's activities, objectives and frameworks, but also the meeting dates and associated agendas. Members can ask the bureau questions about the agenda, developments, agenda items and other relevant matters.
You can also view on this page which members contribute to the working group.

Marketing Working Group
The Marketing Working Group defines and implements marketing activities for the members of the Building Automation industry association. To this end, the working group draws up annual plans and establishes the formats and frameworks for the various activities.

More information about the Marketing working group can be found on the working group's webpage.

Working Group on Technological Innovation
It is the task of the Technological Innovation working group to monitor the market, discuss developments in the working group and present relevant developments to the board. The board determines in consultation which new developments should be further developed for the members.

More information about the Technological Innovation working group can be found on the working group's webpage.

Commissioning Working Group

The commissioning working group aims to improve quality in the chain, including by developing its own instruments for the field (including commissioning plans).

The working group also formulates sector positions for the purpose of cross-sector regulations in the domain of securing realisation processes of building automation projects aimed at the client. As a result, the user gets what is promised and what is paid for.

More information about the Commissioning Working Group can be found on the Working Group webpage.

Participation in the FHI Building Automation working groups is reserved for members of the trade association.

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FHI, federatie van technologiebranches