Developing and using MOSFETS, IGBTs, diodes and other high power devices requires comprehensive device-level characterization such as breakdown voltage, on-state current and capacitance measurements. Keithley’s line of high power Parametric Curve Trace configurations supports the full spectrum of device types and test parameters.

Keithley’s Parametric Curve Trace configurations include everything necessary for the characterization engineer to develop a complete test system quickly, including modular Instrument configuration, High Power Device Test Fixture, and ACS Basic software.

Available instruments include SourceMeasureUnits (SMU) with capability up to 3 kV or up 100 A pulsed, low current 200 V SMU, and Multi-frequency Capacitance-voltage (C-V) Meter.

ACS Basic Edition software provides complete device characterization, including both real-time trace mode for quickly checking fundamental deivce parameters like breakdown voltage and full parametric mode for extracting precise device parameters.


Learn more on PCT Data Sheet.pdf (

Contact CN Rood at for consultation on your High Power device Test

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