With this form you can order the PDF versions of the FHI General Delivery Conditions 2020 and the FHI General Purchasing Conditions 2010 in various languages. These general terms and conditions of delivery have been drawn up by FHI, federation of technology industries, for the benefit of members of a trade organization affiliated with FHI. Parties other than the parties referred to above are not free to use these general terms and conditions.

Order form FHI General Terms and Conditions

E-mail address(Required)
Which industry are you a member of?
The Dutch version of the FHI General Terms and Conditions of Delivery in PDF can be downloaded free of charge via FHI Extranet. An amount of €50 excl. VAT will be charged for the English, German and French versions.
The Dutch version of the FHI General Purchasing Conditions in PDF can be downloaded free of charge via FHI Extranet. An amount of €50 excl. VAT will be charged for the English, German and French versions.

Invoicing FHI General Terms and Conditions

The terms and conditions you ordered will be sent to you in PDF by e-mail as soon as possible. The invoice will be sent to you separately. We kindly request - if applicable - to state a billing address and/or order number below.
FHI, federatie van technologiebranches