Visitor target groups

Market segments

  • Cad support technician
  • Automotive and transportation
  • Commercial manager
  • Consumer products
  • Consultant
  • Data and telecommunications
  • Data center engineer
  • Defence
  • Data center manager
  • Home automation
  • Designer/designer
  • Electrical and electronics industry
  • Director Owner
  • Energy production and distribution
  • Engineer
  • ICT Industry
  • Facility manager
  • Industrial equipment
  • Retired
  • Instrument production
  • Hardware engineer
  • Aerospace
  • IT Manager
  • Machine and equipment construction
  • Buyer
  • Medical equipment
  • Marketing employee
  • Maintenance and repair companies
  • Measurement and control technician
  • Safety and security
  • Technician/installer
  • Universities and institutes
  • Project leader/manager
  • Utility (gas, water and energy)
  • QA/QC manager
  • Lighting industry
  • R&D manager
  • Sales employee
  • Software engineer
  • Student
  • System architect
  • System administrator
  • Technical service
  • Test engineer
  • Scientist/professor