Student members

In the context of knowledge sharing and promoting the field among students, the board has decided to offer students free membership of the EMC-ESD Association. Members of the association are also actively asked to pass on their contacts at colleges and universities to us. The Association will then make contact with the students to inform them that they can become a member of the association free of charge. These members are invited to all EMC-ESD activities, but have no voting rights and paying members take precedence in the event of transfers.

Below you will find an overview of the student members:

Zhen Chen KU Leuven
Hasan Habib KU Leuven
Marc Kopf TU Eindhoven
Leonardo Malburg University of Twente
Aleksandr Ovenchkin KU Leuven
Patrick Koch University of Twente
Ivan Struzhko University of Twente
Ilman Sulaeman Islahuzzaman University of Twente
Amalia Suryani University of Twente
Maarten Appelman University of Twente
Cathrine Feloups University of Twente
Sebastian Mauricio Salas Laurens TU Eindhoven
Miguel FigueirinhaUniversity of Twente University of Twente
Nandun Senevirathna TU Eindhoven
Mohammad Khorramizadeh TU Eindhoven
Brenda Crickets TU Eindhoven
Vikas Ghatge KU Leuven
Illya Ustenko University of Amsterdam
Shiwan Isri Avans University of Applied Sciences
Martin van Mast University of Twente
Mohammad Santeer Fontys University of Applied Sciences
Kiran Ilyas TU Eindhoven
Sadegh Barzegar TU Eindhoven
Hassan Khanbabaei TU Eindhoven
Laure Elise Nathalie Lemonnie TU Eindhoven
Hugo Louis Vitry TU Eindhoven
FHI, federatie van technologiebranches