Airbus Netherlands BV

Airbus Netherlands BV (formerly Dutch Space) is the largest space company in the Netherlands and has intensively participated in large-scale international space projects over the past 30 years.
The company originated from the Fokker Group, has been independent since 1995 and has 300 employees. Dutch Space designs, develops and tests subsystems for satellites and launch vehicles, and supports industry and science in, for example, microgravity research. Airbus Netherlands BV is the leading independent supplier of solar panels in Europe.
Important subsystems are also supplied for satellites for, for example, attitude control, simulation, load-bearing parts, thermal management and observation from space. The latter concerns scientific instruments for, among other things, atmospheric research.
The space company has modern cleanroom facilities, where the solar panels and other satellite (sub)systems are tested and completed.
Airbus Netherlands BV is closely involved in the development of components for the European launch vehicle Ariane 5. As for future, reusable launchers, it participates in the development of (hot metal) control surfaces and thermal protection systems.
Airbus Netherlands BV was responsible for the development and construction of the European Robotic Arm, an 11-meter long intelligent robotic arm for use on the Russian segment of the International Space Station. era was launched in 2007 on a Proton rocket.
Due to its leading role in the development of era, the company has high-quality expertise in the field of robot technology. Airbus Netherlands BV has knowledge of simulation, man-machine interaction, integration of subsystems, mechanical and electrical interfaces and sensors.
For contact about environmental testing, please contact Jan Geerse:
For contact about developments, please contact Garmt Grommers,