Objective and framework of the working group
It is the task of the Technological Innovation working group to monitor the market, discuss developments in the working group and present relevant developments to the board. The board determines in consultation which new developments should be further developed for the members.

The working group then further develops the specific topic, resulting in an information document, a position document, a presentation for the members (possibly by a guest speaker/expert), workshop, etc.

The central objective is to inform all members about the possibilities that the new technology researched brings. In addition to information about the technology itself, this also concerns standards, legislation, liability and collaborations, but also possible threats.

The working group consists of a chairman and a number of permanent members. In addition, where necessary, expertise from members, partners or market parties will be called upon.

Participating in the Technological Innovation working group are:

Jacob Jansen, HC Group
Chairman of the Technological Innovation working group and board member of the Dutch trade organization for Building Automation
Michel van der Leest, Rensen Control Technology
Ad Den Adel, Siemens Smart Infrastructure Dirk Amling, Danfoss
Harry Raab, Building Technology Jeroen Verbocht, Leertouwer
Farshad Hossein Zadeh, Honeywell Wim Hogenhout, Chess
Remco Bosch, TÜV Netherlands


FHI, federatie van technologiebranches