Machines that communicate effortlessly with each other. That make decisions independently and take efficiency to the next level.

With the future fast approaching, it is up to machine builders to respond optimally to it. But how?

Visit the Machinebouw event on 3 December. Discover how traditional makes way for smart and find concrete applications of smart data and the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) at our stand (16). System monitoring, customization for sensors and connectors, for example: how can we help you for efficient but above all safe machine construction?

Learn more about security in the IIoT during our talk by speaker Julian Mehn:

Protecting the future of IIoT - Cybersecurity in today's Industrial Automation (English)

Julian will take you through the different facets of the IIoT, after which he will quickly delve deeper into cybersecurity. As the growing interconnectedness of industrial components increases, this also increases the vulnerability of your systems. How does this work? What can happen and how can you prevent this? Learn more about it during the session or of course come to our stand for questions.




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