12.00 – 12.25

Cyber attacks are increasingly targeting industry, according to new research from the WEF (World Economic Forum). Unlike other sectors, the manufacturing sector often lacks the resources to ensure good security. In response, new European regulations, such as NIS2, are forcing companies to pay more attention to cybersecurity. In addition, insurance companies are increasingly demanding higher standards due to the increased risk, specifically for OT security. After all, cyber risks can directly lead to safety risks for machines with moving parts.

This presentation explores the importance of integrating security into machine architecture. By integrating these security measures, machine builders can effectively mitigate cyber threats, ensure operational safety, and help their customers comply with regulations. Topics covered include:

• Segmentation strategies: How are machines divided into safe zones to limit access and risk?
• Data Flow Management: What is the importance of data flows in my machine and how is sensitive information protected?
• OT/IT segmentation: Why is it important to delineate between the customer network and my machine network?

Thomas Vasen, Business Development Network Security – HMS Networks

Thomas heeft 25 jaar ervaring in de hightech- en telecomsector, met de laatste 15 jaar focus op cybersecurity, deep packet inspection en signalling probes. Bij HMS Anybus helpt hij industriële klanten hun OT-omgevingen te beveiligen, netwerkprestaties te verbeteren en cyberbedreigingen proactief aan te pakken.

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