12.00 – 12.25

The step from 2D to 3D: As electrical/hardware engineers we are often cautious in implementing major changes. Especially when we have our own methodology. New developments raise questions such as:
Why should we do it? What do we need? What are the costs and benefits? Many W's come into play when we orient ourselves in 3D E-engineering.
Together we will look at the advantages of 3D for you as an engineer and organization, including:

  • Error prevention and reverse engineering
  • Achieving time reduction
  • Flexible generation of data
  • Being resilient for the future

Are you curious about what 3D can offer you? How you can prepare for the changes in the market? Then this lecture is definitely for you. Because efficient E-engineering = engineering that allows other departments to do their work optimally.

Jorn van der Schans – Gain

Jorn van der Schans has been active as a Hardware Engineer since 2012, where he works intensively with 3D (Eplan Propanel) Engineering: 'When I started using 3D Engineering, I was quite reserved and skeptical; after all, the existing 2D (Eplan) engineering offered me sufficient/all possibilities. In the meantime, I am convinced of the advantages based on my experience. I am also working on additional implementation steps in which the advantages of 3D engineering are further exploited. I would like to tell you more about my experience and findings in our presentation'. 

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