KIWA Netherlands

EMC and RF
Kiwa is among the global top 20 companies in the field of testing, inspection and certification (TIC). With our services we provide insight into quality, safety, health, sustainability, efficiency and control. We create independent trust in the products, services, processes, (management) systems and employees of our customers.
Kiwa is the market leader in the field of EMC and high-frequency calibrations. As one of the few laboratories in Europe, Kiwa is able to calibrate EMC measuring instruments from various brands/manufacturers under accreditation (RVA) and/or test them against the relevant EMC standard. These are EMC measuring equipment such as field-strong sensors, antennas, measuring receivers and ESD guns.
Kiwa carries out measurements, tests and research in the context of CE marking, Automotive and FCC. Specialized in EMC, RED and product safety testing for domestic, industrial, automotive, medical, telecom, maritime, railway, aerospace and military equipment.
Kiwa is a designated institution (Notified Body) by the government for the EMC directive and medical device regulation.
Cyber Security
Kiwa is also an independent knowledge partner in the field of cyber security. Kiwa assesses and certifies products, systems and organizations, often against internationally accepted standards in the field of cyber security.
Kiwa focuses on high-quality cybersecurity services with the aim of making organizations more resilient to cyber incidents. One of the focus points of Kiwa's cybersecurity services is Operational Technology (OT) security. (OT) security is important because it concerns the protection of critical infrastructure, such as power stations, manufacturing companies and transport systems. A breach of OT security can lead to significant material damage and disruption of essential services, potentially endangering human health and economic losses. To ensure OT security, Kiwa uses, for example, the IEC 62443. Other focus areas of Kiwa in terms of cybersecurity are IT and IoT security.
Kiwa is also a true knowledge partner and is affiliated with various working groups, trade organizations, committees, etc. That is why Kiwa is always aware of the latest developments in the field of important standards, legislation and regulations and guidelines such as the RED, CRA, NIS II .