From the chairman

Dear members, the year 2023 is already more than a month old and promises something in the field of energy, how will the price ceiling work out and what will be the geopolitical developments?

It also promises to be a prosperous year for our association with various activities, for example the on-line PhD lunch sessions are well attended, members can become active in the Open Innovation Program to be started by TenneT and the grid operators to increase capacity and reduce grid congestion.


Review of the General Members' Meeting at HAN W@TTS 

The annual members meeting of the EMVT association was held this time at the HAN in Arnhem. After the formal part, Joke Westra from HAN took us to W@TTS. There we were given an explanation about a number of demo setups in the field of electrical infrastructure.
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PhD promotion Marco Stecca

On Friday, February 24 at 10 a.m., Marco Stecca will present his PhD in the auditorium of TU Delft. Promoters are P. Bauer and P. Palensky.
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Theme day: Study Committee CIGRE B5

What is the impact of the energy transition and the increasing demand for energy on our control and security systems?
On Wednesday, April 12, we will sketch the landscape together from different perspectives, with concrete examples and a focus on system level. We look at the primary problem and what sustainable secondary solutions are available, and discuss the considerations and challenges. Because what do, for example, the load capacity of the grid, availability, disruption of consumer minutes, grid losses and the quality of the voltage mean for security?
Click here for more information and to register

Lunch session

Presented on February 3 Bram van Dam (TU Eindhoven) his PhD “The impact of a conventional transformer standard on Solid-State Transformers (SST)” and Jesper Lansink Rotgerink (University of Twente) “Crosstalk Analysis in Aerospace Environments”.
Click here to watch the lunch session

Whisper-quiet armored car presented at Innovation in Defense

The number of electric cars on public roads is steadily increasing. Electric driving is becoming increasingly common. But does an electric vehicle also fit into Defense's operational environment? Research into this is being done with the E-Fennek.
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Gravitation proposal for fundamental research submitted to NWO

Our current centralized energy system was not designed for tomorrow's renewable energy sources and is already breaking down today.
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TENNET open innovation programme

The rapid development of heat pumps, charging stations, new companies and the industry's sustainability initiatives is leading to an explosion in demand for grid capacity.
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Overview of activities 2022/2023:

April 20: Matchmaking EMC-ESD association, location to be determined
June 27: Energy Storage/Power Electronics event, 1931 Den Bosch
October 6: Lunch session, digital
November 29: General Members Meeting

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