Layer by Layer: The Multilayer PCB

A multilayer is made up of several layers that are pressed together to form a PCB. Between the electrically conductive copper layers are insulating layers known as prepregs. Metallised holes, known as vias, connect the individual layers to each other at defined points.

🛠️ This complex structure enables a high density of connections in a small area. The sequence of the individual layers is known as the buildup or stackup. The buildup ensures that the PCB fulfills the required reliability and performance.

This is where our buildup editor comes into play! 🖥️✨ With over 940 predefined standard layouts, our Visualizer tool offers tried-and-tested solutions that are perfectly tailored to different requirements.

Depending on the PCB thickness, number of layers and technology type, the buildup editor suggests predefined designs to engineers. In addition, the online price calculation helps to determine the best technical and economical solution.

👉 We explain how to use the layer editor here:

🤚 By the way: What sounds simple is very challenging in reality. In this video, see how to make a 4-layer multilayer:

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