
The Framework Employment Conditions Agreement (RAO) provides employers and employees with a reference point for employment conditions that are common in the technology industry.

The RAO, drawn up by FHI, offers a sector-specific interpretation of the employment conditions, including the legal obligations that employers must comply with according to employment law. In addition, the RAO contains employment conditions that are customary in the sector.

FHI members have the right to adopt or adapt texts from this publication for internal regulations.

Our partner Vestius Advocaten (FHI Advice) updates the annually FHI RAO, together with the FHI HRM working group, on the basis of the most recent legislation and regulations.


The most important changes in the RAO 2025:

  • Introduction: added 'and those/their' to 'Where 'he/him/his' is stated, 'she/her' is also meant'
  • Article 2.2: notice period has been adjusted to 'notice obligation'
  • Article 2.5: The maximum amount for a transition payment has been adjusted
  • Article 2.6: During prohibitions: added: 'during the exercise of the function of confidential counselor'
  • Article 2.6: Due to prohibitions: added: 'while exercising the function of confidential counselor'
  • Article 3: Vestius Advocaten's comment (in blue) about minimum hourly wage has been removed
  • Article 5.5.1: word 'motivated' added in line 2 of 3e paragraph
  • Article 5.5.2: added: 'If the employee is taking leave in connection with an adopted child or a foster child, the right to benefits exists, in deviation from the previous sentence, during the first year after the day of actual adoption or foster care and insofar as the child has not yet reached the age of eight.'
  • Article 5.5.3, 1e bullet has been changed to: 'the death and funeral of one of his household members or one of his blood and marital relatives in the direct line and in the second degree of the collateral line'
  • Article 5.5.7: added: 'The right exists from four weeks before the first day on which the actual adoption has commenced or will commence, as indicated on that day in a document submitted by the employee to the employer showing that a child has been or will be adopted.'
  • Article 11: Comments (in blue) from Vestius Advocaten have been deleted
  • Model employment contracts, article 15: to the 1e sentence has been added: 'as referred to in article 7:613 BW'


The FHI RAO 2025 is available exclusively to members. Would you like to receive a copy? Please send an email to Shirley van Schaarenburg (FHI).

Do you have a legal question? Contact us directly Mr. Puck Keurentjes or Mr. Michiel van Haelst by Vestius Attorneys / FHI Advice.


FHI, federatie van technologiebranches