When soy, rapeseed and sunflower oil seeds are fresh from the field, they often have too high a moisture content. They need to be dried and checked carefully before being stored in large silos for processing. The amount of oil obtained during pressing is strongly dependent on the moisture content of the seeds or beans. So you don't want to store oil seeds too moist or too dry. With the TEWS moisture analyzer, you can measure the moisture deep into the core of oil seeds and not, as with other techniques, mainly at the surface. This ensures that you have a nice stock and the most oil during pressing.

TEWS moisture and bulk density measurement of oilseeds

TEWS solutions enable fast and accurate moisture and bulk density measurements at many different positions throughout the process. TEWS instruments are ready for Industry 4.0 and the data can be integrated into your digital process control systems.

Benefits of moisture measurement in oilseeds with TEWS microwave technology

  • Achieve optimum moisture content for storage, pressing, conditioning and extraction
  • 100% quality control
  • High speed (up to 3,500)
  • Wear-resistant and extra high temperature sensors available
  • Energy saving during the drying process
  • CO2 emission reduction

Return on investment moisture measurement oilseeds

The payback period of a moisture measurement in oilseeds is 12 months, according to the experience of our customers and partners. 

At the bottom of this page you can download the factsheet on measuring moisture in oilseeds using microwave technology. 

Want to know more about measuring moisture in oilseeds using microwave technology?

Please contact us with the specialists from Inventech. 

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