CD15K0-14BL converts 400-800V of high voltage batteries to 14V for charging low voltage batteries and powering vehicle electronics and cabin systems.

Its CD15K0-14BL is a compact and low-profile liquid-cooled converter. The height of the converter is just a little over 60 mm. CD15K0-14BL also features constant current, CAN interface, bootloader via CAN bus, IP67 enclosure and a full set of protections.

NetPower is putting its emphasis on supporting commercial e-mobility applications, and will continue to expand its offerings of various power and voltage ranges.

Main Features: 

  • Constant current for battery charging
  • applications
  • Input reverse polarity protection
  • CAN2.0B interface
  • Bootloader via CAN bus
  • IP67 enclosure, liquid cooled
  • Full set of protections

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