This year, the central government will release an additional 75 million euros to improve the innovation climate. The money is mainly intended for SMEs.
State Secretary Mona Keijzer of Economic Affairs and Climate is investing an additional 18 million euros in improving SMEs, according to
reports the central government. Among other things, the budget of
SME innovation stimulation Region and Top Sectors (MIT) has been stretched to 40 million euros. A total of 70 million euros will also be provided in 2018
Innovation credit available.
Public-private financing research
The government also wants to give the public-private partnership program (PPP) an extra boost. The business community invests half a billion annually in public research, after which this knowledge is used by companies to create new products and services. The so-called PPP allowance will increase from 25 percent to 30 percent. As a result, a company that invests one euro in public research receives a surcharge of 30 euro cents from the government.
Stimulation of applied research
The Dutch institutes for applied research will also receive more money this year. The government is allocating an additional 42 million euros to Deltares, Marin, NLR, TNO/ECN and Wageningen Research, among others. These institutes invest in high-tech, food, energy, safety and water respectively.
Renewal of Top Sector Policy
The Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate will renew the Top Sector Policy in the coming months. The government wants to focus on themes such as the energy transition and digitalization. According to the coalition, these themes also offer plenty of economic opportunities.