In a short time, the large, empty halls of the Jaarbeurs are transformed into a bustling exhibition floor full of activity. Structures of up to six metres high are assembled by an army of stand builders. Forklifts drive back and forth through the aisles, while the construction teams are busy with carts full of stand material.

The sound of hammers, the hum of drills and the sliding of carts across the floor can be heard everywhere. There is a characteristic smell of paint, wood and plastic. Some stands are already clearly taking shape, while others still need some work. In the organisation's small office, there is a constant coming and going of suppliers, stand builders and exhibitors. "If you are still very busy as a trade fair organisation during the trade fair, something has gone wrong somewhere," says Petra Kortenoeven, manager of Trade Fairs at FHI. "At the moment, we are mainly busy with the final coordination and ensuring that everything goes according to plan."

The aisles are filled with a sense of community and enthusiasm. Large toolboxes are displayed and music is playing from portable radios. Everyone looks up in surprise as three students push a large black race car through the aisles. “We brought a mock-up of our electric race car Vision,” says Sophie from the student team InMotion. Together with fellow students Rob and Sam, they carefully place the race car in its place in the Student Innovation Pavilion. “There are currently two major challenges with electric driving: radius and charging time. With Vision let's show that this can be done better." Now the student team is working on a new model with a loading time of 4 minutes. "A world record," Sophie adds proudly.

During the day, the stand builders with their toolboxes make way for exhibitors in colorful polo shirts with their company logo. They carefully remove dust and sawdust from their stands and fill them with large carts full of plants, equipment and displays. The range is diverse: from advanced, complicated-looking devices to robust industrial doors and futuristic robot arms. Precisely, with an eye for detail – as you would expect at a technology trade fair – each stand is given its own unique look. The World of Industry, Technology & Science is ready to welcome visitors.

FHI, federatie van technologiebranches