Visitor recruitment has started; is your profile up to date?
Visitor recruitment for the WoTS has now started. In the coming months we will inform potential visitors extensively about all the ins and outs of the fair.
The WoTS website offers various options to bring your participation to the attention of (potential) visitors. All participants have their own exhibitor page with their own profile and logo. You can also post your own news items on
To use these options, log in If you do not (yet) have any login details or you have forgotten your password, you can request this (again) via the site.
All your current event participations are listed under the menu option “Events & Fairs”. There is one for each event and fair own profile page, so that you can tailor the information specifically to the target group you want to reach with your participation. Also the logo Please register separately for each event. Under the menu option “News” you can own news items create. You will find a manual here.
Help with content creation
Do you need help creating good web texts or a good article to improve your online findability? Then switch the FHI content service in. The WoTS marketing bundle offers, among other things, an article written by our editor and placed as sponsored content in one of the newsletters sent to the WoTS target group. There are additional costs involved. View the bundles on the website and if you are interested, please contact us.