The trade association looks back on the successful Bits, Bricks & Behavior 2019 conference with a good feeling. During the evaluation meeting on January 29, the trade organization discussed this good feeling in more detail with the members and exhibitors and the results from the surveys were evaluated.

The basic figures for the conference showed that 715 people attended the conference and the conference was rated with an average score of 7.1. The program and speakers received an average score of 6.2

After presenting the basic figures, the comments from the survey were discussed with those present. It can be concluded that the conference is of great value to the trade organization and its members, and also provides exposure. Sharing knowledge with end users is experienced as very valuable.

Ensuring the quality of lectures and better involving the various target groups in the conference is a point of attention. The combination of the Bits, Bricks & Behavior conference and the Smart Homes & Intelligent Buildings event resulted in a larger number of visitors attending the conference. It is being investigated whether the badges can be recognizable for the next edition among visitors to Bits, Bricks & Behavior and Smart Homes & Intelligent Buildings.

Following the evaluation meeting, the surveys and the responses during the evaluation meeting, it was decided to change the structure of the program committee. Various partner associations have been invited to sit on the program committee. Members of the program committee can make proposals for themes and speakers for the 2020 conference. The proposals will be tested against the frameworks drawn up by the marketing working group of the trade association.

The supporters of the various partner associations are also actively invited to attend the conference as visitors.

Your company can also participate in the Bits, Bricks & Behavior conference by participating as an exhibitor at the information market. All members of the trade organization will be approached for this. Would you like to register as an exhibitor? Then send an email to Martin Hof.

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