Various techniques are used within buildings to offer users a desired climate and appropriate functionality. The COVID-19 pandemic has brought attention to the importance of ventilation. The role of ventilation systems is primarily aimed at maintaining oxygen levels. It is now a general trend that the spread of the virus is limited by good ventilation. However, the question in society is broader: Is our building safe and are workplaces safe to use?
In this document the entire context of the built environment is structurally examined. The generic images surrounding contamination, transition routes and recommended measures are important. Healthcare expertise is a different field. The focus in this document is on theoretical advice for the built environment and converting this into practical implementation.
Based on a quick scan, a professional can recommend actions and practical steps per measure. This document contains detailed advice, which is mainly aimed at the (technical) professionals who set up, adapt or manage the (technical) facilities.
All measures must be put into operation in an orderly manner, checked for proper functioning and, where necessary, extensively functionally tested. Changes in design and principles must be properly recorded in logbooks and revision documents. Users must be properly instructed.
In addition to the expert use of technical systems in a building, generally recommended measures (for example keeping your distance and staying at home if you suspect contamination) must be properly followed and communicated.
Many factors play a role and there are many different types of (functions of) buildings, so it is not possible to clearly determine whether a building (corona) is safe. With the help of the quick scan and an action plan, an initial inventory can be made of the measures to be taken. For the technical installations, a professional can then provide advice on taking measures in the building.