DBCA register and certification commissioning specialists
Over the past period, the DBCA has taken major steps in the realization of the personal register for commissioning specialists, managers and authorities. Together with Sertum and the DBCA certification working group, we have worked hard on setting up the personal register. Sertum aims to continuously improve the level of real estate maintenance and technical management. The expertise of the maintenance professionals registered in the Sertum register is guaranteed on the basis of the competency descriptions applicable per register. Sertum is therefore the ideal organization to facilitate the DBCA commissiongs register and manage it jointly with the DBCA.
The DBCA commissioning register is organized on three levels:
1. Cx Specialist
2. Cx Manager
3. Cx Authority
Cx Specialist
The basic registration in the DBCA commissioning register is the Cx Specialist, the Commissioning Specialist registered in this register has the knowledge to select the correct form of commissioning for the relevant technical installations in the built environment and can situation (e.g. new construction, existing construction, BREEAM, LEED, etc.) justify the choice and advise the client. The Commissioning Specialist is able to draw up the commissioning plan and select the required commissioning activities. This officer independently carries out commissioning activities and/or directs the commissioning team in the execution of the commissioning activities. The Commissioning Specialist checks and approves the reports of completed commissioning activities. The Commissioning Specialist is also able to prepare a commissioning report.
Registration in this personal register is possible after successfully completing the TVVL Commissioning Specialist training. Registration is possible if the candidate has the TVVL Commisioning Specialist certificate or diploma.
Cx Manager & Cx Authority
The DBCA certification working group is currently working on the description, activities and competencies with regard to the Cx Manager and the Cx Authority. In the published on June 30 BREEAM-NL New Construction 2020 a reference is included to the DBCA personal register. The referral increases support for commissioning and awareness about the usefulness and necessity of commissioning.
It is expected that it will be possible to register the first Commissioning Specialists and Commissioning Managers in the personal register in the fourth quarter of this year.
For more information about the register, please contact the DBCA secretariat on 0334657507 or by sending an e-mail.
For information about the TVVL commissioning training courses, please contact TVVL on 088 401 06 00 or by sending
an e-mail.
Stakeholders DBCA
The Dutch Building Commissioning Association (DBCxA) has been a recognized non-profit organization since 2013. The DBCxA has the structure of a platform and is an "outwardly" oriented organization that promotes the acceptance and application of commissioning as an efficient method for performance assurance of buildings and homes in the Netherlands. This means, among other things, that supply and demand for commissioning services must be properly coordinated.
The success of commissioning largely depends on a good match between provider and clients. On the one hand, the DBCA wants to support the supply side in professionalizing its tasks because this is a critical success factor, and on the other hand, it wants to support the demand side by bundling the parties that contribute to this.
The Dutch Building Commissioning Association (DBCxA) wants commissioning to be accepted in the Netherlands as an efficient method for performance assurance. The platform plays a leading role in the development of commissioning services by concretizing, inspiring and connecting. The DBCA stakeholders support this mission:
ISSO, know better, build better
NVDO, Dutch Association for Effective Maintenance
NVBV, Dutch Flemish Building Physics Association
VLA, Association of Suppliers of Aeronautical Equipment
DGBC, Dutch Green Building Council
FEDEC, Federation of Energy Consultants
FHI Building Automation
FME, Metal Electrical Federation
VCCN, Association of Contamination Control Netherlands
TVVL, Installation Technology Knowledge Platform
National real estate company
Technology Netherlands