As the World of Technology and Science (WoTS) approaches, you want as many people as possible to know that your company is present at the fair. At FHI, we do everything we can to attract visitors, but we can't do it without your help. Despite good intentions, it appears that some members are not promoting their participation in the fair.r in the shoot. They are too busy, the priority lies elsewhere, or they simply do not know where to start. Whatever the reason, the fact remains that we can only ensure a well-filled exhibition floor together.

To help you, we offer a service from FHI to support you with visitor acquisition: the WoTS marketing bundle. This is a competitively priced content package in which an experienced FHI editor takes care of the promotional materials for you. The editor writes at least one article (a advertorial) that we place in the newsletter, on the website and on LinkedIn. In addition, you will receive help with filling in your company profile on the well-visited website of FHI and you will receive three hours of extra content support. You can fill in these hours yourself. For example, the editor can write a press release or article for you, help with optimizing your website for the search engines, or provide a podcast for you on a subject of your choice.

In podcast below by Dimitri Reijerman, WoTS director Linda Bos talks about the benefits of the WoTS marketing bundle. Are you interested? Then click here for more information and request a no-obligation quote. 

FHI · WoTS 2022 podcast #1 – Linda Bos (FHI) about the WoTS marketing bundle

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FHI, federatie van technologiebranches