In addition to solid EMC seals, Parker Chomerics also supplies form-in-place (FIP) EMC gaskets.
The compound material is mainly applied from caulking tubes using robotic dispensers to achieve the required accuracies in height, thickness and position.

Chomerics CHOFORM FIP compound is available in many different versions, consisting of both one and two components; curing in the oven or by moisture in the air.
The filler material in the compound can consist of silver, aluminium, copper, nickel and graphite mixtures, which determines the EMC damping degree.

The correct FIP compound is selected based on several criteria:
– EMC attenuation degrees
– hardness and compressibility of the final seal
– degree of adhesion to the substrate
– resistance to galvanic corrosion
– desired width/height of the seal

EEMC has a computer-controlled robot dispenser that can place the most accurate EMC seals.
The area of application is often complex shapes in high-tech equipment for industry, automotive, defense and aerospace.

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