Energy in Industry 2023: smart solutions for energy saving
We all want and need to save energy. For Dutch industry, this is more relevant than ever. But where do you start? And what is needed to achieve savings? Where are the pain points and what technologies are available? These are some of the questions that were discussed during the Energy in Industry event on 20 June 2023 at Van der Valk Vianen.
Climate neutral dairy
Gerrit Westhoff, Supply Chain Director Sustainability at FrieslandCampina, opened the day with a lecture on sustainability at the dairy manufacturer. The company has ambitious climate plans and wants to be net climate neutral by 2050. Gerrit indicates that the technologies are available, but that for him and his team it is always a matter of deciding where to make these investments. Gerrit also points out that your house must first be in order. Make sure that maintenance is carried out, work on your efficiency and take a smart look at your production process. These are small investments, but can yield major savings.
Measuring is knowing
It is clear that energy saving starts with insight. 'Measuring is knowing' is a frequently heard slogan and is discussed in various lectures. But this is also where the challenge lies, because what exactly do you measure? And what happens with this data? The exhibitors during the Energy in Industry event presented various solutions for this problem. From flow meter to data analysis, the entire process was examined during the diverse program.
In addition to FrieslandCampina, Tata Steel is also aware of its own role in the energy transition. Carlet Hoes, program manager DataDrivenSteel, talked about the plans for making steel production more sustainable. Carlet explains that digitalization is essential for this. By means of dashboards and modeling, they make consumption transparent and can determine which projects need to be carried out.
We can conclude that energy saving remains a challenge. As a trade association for Industrial Automation, we hope to help the industry on its way to a sustainable future together with our members, where smart solutions and cooperation between suppliers are central.
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