FHI, the Dutch trade organization for Medical Technology and HartslagNu have taken an important step to structurally strengthen the availability and use of AEDs throughout the Netherlands via the national call system. FHI, HartslagNu and the AED suppliers have signed an agreement to seal the collaboration.

Saving lives together
HartslagNu manages data from citizen first responders and AEDs in order to perform its task. The management of this data must be handled with care. For the sake of clarity, agreements have been made between FHI and HartslagNu to ensure that no commercial activities are carried out with HartslagNu data. Suppliers will make every effort to have as many AEDs as possible registered in the HartslagNu database. In this way, all parties will work unitedly to save lives.

Reimbursement of the costs for replacing the pads
Suppliers affiliated with FHI have also agreed to reimburse the costs for replacing the pads after an AED has been deployed via HartslagNu. The costs are currently reimbursed by the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport through the regional ambulance facilities. This nice gesture from the suppliers offers the opportunity to give the amount made available by the Ministry a valuable other use, namely to further strengthen the organization and quality of HartslagNu's calling system. The initiative to discuss this with the Ministry is wholeheartedly supported by the FHI.

Important step towards fast resuscitation assistance
Hans Janssen, chairman of the board of HartslagNu: “We are very happy with the collaboration with the FHI and AED suppliers. It is great that such important parties in the field of resuscitation are joining forces. An important step for the provision of rapid resuscitation assistance throughout the Netherlands. HartslagNu receives thirty resuscitation reports every day. In 97% of all cases, civilian responders were on site. They are on average two and a half minutes faster than the ambulance and can really make the difference between life and death.”

The same social mission
Luc Knaven, Director of Medical Technology at the FHI: “We are very pleased that we have been able to make good and clear agreements with HartslagNu that also take into account the interests of our affiliated members. The agreement provides space to work together on the mission that all our members have in mind: ensuring that high-quality AEDs can be deployed in a timely manner by HartslagNu to save lives. That is the social mission for which we do this together.”



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FHI, federatie van technologiebranches