Flanders Make Lommel has granted CN Rood the contract to build a 540kW DC simulation system. This system will enable Flanders Make from Q3 2023 on to power and test next-generation battery packs including 800V & 1200V DC battery packs. In addition, the system will be used to power inverters of electric motors. The simulation system is modular and can easily be expanded to higher powers in the future. 

Flanders Make testing and validation infrastructure for electric vehicles

For the success of electric vehicles, research into drivetrains, fast charging processes and battery aging is crucial. Flanders Make Lommel has several research programs and also offers companies the opportunity to make use of its test and validation infrastructure. With the new 540kW DC simulation system, Flanders Make responds to the trend towards larger (charging) capacities of battery packs and the higher power capabilities of electric motors.

Figure 1: Electric motor testbench at Flanders Make Lommel.

Modular and flexible system

The system will have an initial output of 540kW and a voltage range of up to 1500 VDC. This will cover the maximum area for the low-voltage regulation and is also sufficient for today's electric passenger cars. The system is modular and can easily be expanded to a higher power output in the future. The system consists of four racks of 135kW, where each rack exists of nine Delta Elektronika SM1500-CP-30 bidirectional, regenerative 15kW power supplies and will be built in cooperation with Limec Technics. Because the system is mobile, it will be used for multiple test setups. The specifications, the mobile solution and the modularity were important arguments for Flanders Make in choosing CN Rood's solution.

Figure 2:Example of a similar system built for Alfen.

DC Simulation System active in third quarter 2023

The system will be delivered in the third quarter of 2023. Before then, CN Rood and partner Nuyts will also ensure that the electricity network in the Flanders Make building is competent and secure. The implementation of the system will require an extension of the general low-voltage panel to install the necessary safeguards such as fuses. In addition, modifications will also be made to the test labs to increase the flexibility of CN Rood's DC Load system.

For more information, please contact CN Red.

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