Maximum explosion pressure for gases and dust approximately equal
There are quite a few uncertainties about the risks and danger of a dust explosion. For example, a lot of dust is needed to cause an explosion, gas explosions are according to some more violent than dust explosions, confinement is a requirement, dust can only be ignited by a strong ignition source and it is sometimes even claimed that dust layers cannot ignite. Nothing could be further from the truth!
Gas explosions are not necessarily more risky than dust explosions. Gas explosion hazards are generally perceived as more risky than possible dust explosion zones and in gas explosion hazardous zones, measures are taken much sooner to prevent a gas explosion. For example, a large gas tank feels like a higher risk when it comes to safety than a flour silo.
The maximum explosion pressure for gases and dusts are however approximately the same and a layer thickness of 1 mm of dust is usually more than sufficient to form an explosive dust cloud. For example, polyethylene dust has a Pmax of approximately 7 bar and methane approximately 8 bar. The effects of dust explosions are however usually just as serious as those of a gas explosion. Very low dust concentrations can already be flammable!
In addition to the risk of a dust explosion, dust can also cause a shutdown of the production process, which mainly has financial consequences. Continuously measuring dust emissions is therefore not only an important measurement for your process when you have to comply with the legal requirements regarding emissions.
Appropriate solution
One of the measures you can take to reduce dust explosion hazards and to monitor safety is to monitor even the lowest dust concentrations with the right dust analyzer. This allows you to intervene immediately when the dust concentration threatens to become dangerous.
Whether it concerns measuring dust concentrations in (open) spaces or in flue gas ducts, we have a suitable solution for every dust application, feasible as ATEX variant and with various options focused on your process. The analyzers are certified according to the latest norms and standards and enable you to select the best solution for your process, both technically and commercially.
For more information on measuring dust concentrations, please contact John Heidenreich, Process Technology Manager at e-mail or telephone number 0162 – 460 404. Would you like to know more about explosion safetyThere are various training courses available in the field of explosion hazards.