To improve R&D and in-line quality control of paints, coatings and inks, a new method has entered the market. This method makes it easier to characterize heterogeneous submicron and micro particles in liquids. The added value of this optical method comes to the fore when heterogeneous samples need to be measured. Typical formulations are made by mixing more than one component. Even if the properties of each component are known, traditional methods provide average data over the entire sample. In doing so, all particles are considered the same, only with different sizes. This can be a limitation in various R&D and QC tasks. SPES (Single Particle Extinction and Scattering technology) solves this problem. With SPES, users can measure the characteristics and behavior of a certain type of particles in the presence of other components/particles. Watch the online Masterclass here. 

High-resolution characterization of submicron and microparticles in paint, ink, coatings and polymers – YouTube

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