The deadline for the first registration has closed. If you have registered, you should have received a confirmation. We have now started drawing the concept floor plan, with all the preferences given, that is not an easy task and no, we will not have that done in 2 weeks.

When registering, we take into account everyone's individual wishes. The best places on the exhibition floor plan will be awarded to companies that have registered before the deadline. The draft exhibition floor plan will then be sent to the companies that have registered before 14 February. They can then respond to the allocated place, after which we will make possible adjustments.


After this, the exhibition floor plan will finally appear on and in the second phase it will be possible to choose one of the remaining places.

End of March 2020 Sending first layout floor plan (2 weeks response time)

Mid-April 2020 Implement changes to the map

Early May 2020 Sending final floor plan (sales start from floor plan)

Are you interested in participating in the fair? Get in touch contact us and check the possibilities.

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