By: Hans Risseeuw
OT security is vital
Jacobs Douwe Egberts on OT security during the Cyber Security Event
It Industrial Cyber Security Event brings together experts and professionals from various sectors to share knowledge and learn about the latest innovations and developments. Discover whether your company is sufficiently cyber secure and identify challenges in the crucial collaboration between IT and OT departments. Regien Schagen, Global Business Program Manager OT Security at Jacobs Douwe Egberts (JDE), closes the day and shares how JDE has tackled challenges and risks.
Regien Schagen bridges the gap between management and IT. She sees it as her main task to make the translation from technology to policy a success and to contribute to the risk management of the company.
In 2017, two global cyber attacks took place. Several organizations, including Mondelez (JDE shareholder) were hit by a ransomware incident that caused disruption in global production, distribution and invoicing. Security, and especially OT security, was neglected until 10 years ago. Now, it is prominently on the agenda. Also due to the emerging integrations between IT and OT, companies have no choice: OT security is of vital importance.
Regien notices that there is increasing attention for the OT side of security. IT is still ahead, but OT is catching up. “The realization is growing that we need to take OT security seriously.” She sees it as her role to make the people around her, especially in middle management positions, aware of the threat. Until recently, the seriousness of the threat was not fully recognized. For JDE, business continuity is of great importance. This is one of the main drivers behind the OT security program.
“We need a different mindset,” says Regien. “Not only at Jacobs Douwe Egberts, but also with our suppliers, because we depend on them. Everything is connected and we do our utmost to keep attacks and malicious parties out. But in the world of cybersecurity there are no certainties.”
Regien paints an opportunistic picture of the malicious hacker. “The worst kid in the class gets caught.” If you install good locks on your doors and windows, burglars will probably try their luck at your neighbors. “But don’t hide behind the illusion that you have everything in order and therefore keep all problems outside.”
Every week there is something new, a new threat, a new update, new leaks. “We can only try to stay ahead of the game.”
With this warning, Regien ends her story. Come to Congrescentrum 1931 in Den Bosch on October 8 and visit the Industrial Cyber Security Event. Register for free at the website.