At the end of September, KNX Association will open the first KNX online fair. The international association promises its relations a completely new and exciting experience: a real trade fair experience, but online. During this experience, KNX Association presents information about various services, such as Energy Management with KNX and the ETS6 Premiere.

The KNXperience will be held from September 28 to October 2, 2020. The aim is to provide KNX members and partners with news about KNX products and solutions during this event. KNX will also launch more information about the developments and availability of the new ETS6 software during this event.

Various topics
Other things you can expect during this first KNX online fair are KNX Professionals who will present practical solutions. But also training opportunities, chats, games, networking opportunities and much more!

Please note the dates in your diary.

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