The PSC Solaris-Shield front windows for displays are a special group of electrically conductive windows that are used to protect systems against EMI and/or contain emissions. This can prevent unwanted data from being captured via the screen or from manipulating the system from outside. A special application of these windows is to retain sensitive information from IT systems.

But there are also applications in the vicinity of trains, with strong electromagnetic fields.

The electrical conduction is caused by highly transparent, very fine black mesh which is incorporated into the acrylic. Since this construction is not laminated, it cannot delaminate and is better suited in environments with sunlight and/or pressure differences such as in aviation. The light construction is somewhat flexible so that it can also be used in portable devices.

The windows are available with a scratch-resistant layer, in different colors, with anti-glare and anti-reflection coatings and with a combination of refractive indices.

FHI, federatie van technologiebranches