Create your own Risk Inventory and Evaluation in 5 steps

Physical strain, psychological complaints due to excessive work pressure: working in the technology sector involves occupational risks. A safe working environment is therefore invaluable. The basis for this is the Risk inventory and evaluation (RI&E). ArboNed explains how you can get started with the RI&E yourself in five steps.

The RI&E is about mapping the risks to which employees are exposed during their work. By tackling these in a targeted manner, you can prevent accidents, health complaints and absenteeism. The RI&E is one of the most important obligations under the Working Conditions Act and is indispensable for every company: in addition to good employership, it also ensures savings on your company costs.

Step 1: Risk inventory

The first goal of the RI&E is to gain insight into all occupational risks in your company. This does not only concern safety risks or environmental risks, but also psychosocial and physical risks or ergonomics. For example, you look at:

  • Are hazardous substances being used?
  • What is the physical burden on your employees in the workplace?
  • Do your employees use personal protective equipment?
  • What are the working and rest times like within your company?

It is important that you can show the Labour Inspectorate that you have fully checked the RI&E and that the final result can be considered reliable. You inventory all possible risks, even if certain risks do not exist. In that case, you report that it does not apply to your company.

Step 2: Evaluation of the identified risks

After the risk inventory follows the risk evaluation. This evaluation gives you insight into which priority belongs to which risk. Consider factors such as:

  • How big is the chance of the risk?
  • How many employees are affected?
  • How often do employees encounter the risk?
  • What are the possible consequences?

Step 3: Action plan

The RI&E is not complete without a Plan of approach. That is in fact a practical to-do list. An overview of concrete actions, which also states when and by whom the actions will be carried out and (possibly) what the budget for this is. It is important to tackle the risks at the source.

Step 4: Assessment of the RI&E

For companies with more than 25 employees, it is mandatory to to have the RI&E assessed by a certified occupational health and safety expert. The consultant will then look during a company tour to see how the RI&E has been carried out, whether the Plan of approach is complete and whether the proposed measures will have the desired effect.

Step 5: Get to it!

Now that you have created the RI&E and the Plan of approach, it is time to get started with the to-do list. prevention officer in your company ensures that this happens. In companies with up to 25 employees, this can also be the director.

With these five steps you have a handle on how to get started with the RI&E yourself. Do you need more help? Then ArboNed is ready for you with support like a training 'Create your own RI&E.' For more information, please visit the website.

FHI, federatie van technologiebranches