
Residents and users want high-quality buildings with, for example, good fire safety and low energy consumption. The Building Quality Assurance Act (Wkb) will ensure more supervision and control in construction, so that builders adhere to the applicable quality requirements.

The new system will initially only apply to buildings in the lowest risk class. These include single-family homes and simple commercial buildings. This will give all parties involved the opportunity to gain experience with the new law on quality assurance for construction.

The Building Quality Assurance Act (Wkb) is expected to come into effect in stages from 1 January 2022. This was announced by the Minister of the Interior and Kingdom Relations and the Association of Netherlands Municipalities.

The changes from the Wkb are (expected) to apply only to simple constructions until 2024. The other constructions will follow from 2025. This allows construction companies and municipalities to gain experience with the new law on quality assurance for construction step by step.

The government wants construction companies to better monitor the quality of their work. This can improve the construction quality of buildings by reducing construction errors and defects. For example, construction errors, fire-unsafe situations, insufficient insulation or poorly functioning ventilation. Construction companies will also have to make fewer costs for repairing construction errors. And the work of independent quality inspectors will become easier and faster, because the builders themselves have already checked a lot.

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