More comfort with less energy consumption. It may seem like a contradiction, but practice proves that it is possible! “Becoming every day
HVAC renovation projects delivered that provide noticeably better comfort and healthier indoor air, while at the same time providing significant...
thermal and energy savings are achieved,” says Richard Daamen, Managing Director of Belimo Servomotors BV. "Our
Innovative techniques play a key role in this and quickly transform 'grey' HVAC installations into 'green' climate systems. Without
Major adjustments and/or high costs, making sustainability within reach for every building.”
Environmental damage, climate change and resource depletion are the challenges we face today. To meet these challenges, the European Union launched the European Green Deal in 2019, which should help make the transition to a modern, resource-efficient and competitive economy. The construction sector plays a major role in this. "Important part
of the Green Deal is the 'renovation wave',” says Daamen.
“The aim is to make around 35 million inefficient buildings more sustainable by 2030 and – as a result – reduce CO2 emissions by at least 55%, reduce energy consumption and lay the foundation for a climate-neutral Europe in
2050.” The Dutch government is also committed to this. Through various initiatives, she tries to encourage building owners to get started with their real estate. From the mandatory energy label C for offices (>100 m2), the mandatory Energy Audit (EED) for companies with more than 250 FTE and the mandatory energy registration and monitoring system (EBS) to attractive subsidies such as the EIA, SDE+ and ISDE. “Popular measures to reduce energy consumption are the insulation of facades, roofs and floors and the installation of heat pumps and solar panels,” says Dirk Bijlaart, Technical Advice Manager at Belimo Servomotors BV. “But also the 'retrofit' of control ball valves
and drives in HVAC installations can yield significant savings.”
Improving and greening starts with insight
Bijlaart was promoted to Technical Advice Manager at the beginning of this year. A new position in
the Belimo organization, with the aim of increasing awareness among building owners and facility managers. “In combination with our account managers and our membership of Indoor Climate Netherlands and FHI Gebouw Automatisering, we create maximum added value and broad market coverage,” says Daamen. “And it is desperately needed.” Bijlaart is happy to explain the usefulness and necessity of sustainability at the customer's location. He likes to map out the current situation and possible areas for improvement. “The HVAC systems in many existing buildings are outdated,” he says. “Not only are the installations often designed differently than their modern successors, we also regularly see that valves no longer close (properly). This ensures a continuous flow of air and water. Even when this is not desired, causing comfort and noise complaints and unnecessary energy wastage.” Because there is a lack of insight into the installations in many buildings, Belimo always starts measuring. “We also look critically at the condition of the installation and its use. How can we make the installation as sustainable as possible and (cost) efficiently? By actively collecting and analyzing data, we know exactly where we can optimize.”
Small products, big impact

“By placing smart and dynamic field components such as flow components or VAV drives in the main pipe of the HVAC installation, we can see exactly where air and water flow correctly through the installation and where energy is lost,” says Bijlaart.
“Based on this data, poorly performing valves and/or actuators can be installed in the installation
can be easily traced and replaced. For example, through our Retrofit control ball valves
and drives, which are 100% closed and provide correct adjustment and flow. This increases comfort, the desired temperature differences are achieved again and energy consumption is kept to a minimum. In most cases, adjustments to the pipeline network are not necessary, so actions and investments are kept to a minimum.”
Belimo Climate Foundation
But Belimo's sustainable ambition goes further. With the establishment of the Belimo Climate Foundation, Belimo also supports non-profit institutions and non-governmental organizations in the fields of education, training and health to improve the energy efficiency of their buildings and reduce CO2 emissions. “The aim of our foundation is to contribute to the sustainability of all buildings, even if the financial resources for this are lacking,” Daamen emphasizes. “But also to make society aware of the leverage that building renovations have. For example, when it comes to achieving our climate objectives. We focus not only on energy generation, but also on energy distribution and ventilation systems. Because there is still a lot to be gained in all these areas. Both in offices, hotels, hospitals, data centers and schools.”
As a member of Indoor Climate Netherlands, Daamen sees that awareness in small utility projects is growing. He cites schools as an example, where mandatory CO2 meters help to gain insight into air quality. “But insight alone is not enough,” he emphasizes. “The same applies to opening windows if ppm scores are too high. It is time to really take action, to upgrade our buildings in the right way and to improve indoor climate, comfort and energy consumption. The government has an important role in this, but also for our industry. Let's make a fist together and really make an impact. Our earth will thank us.”
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