Make the right decision in the PCB design phase
Making the right decisions during the PCB design phase can not only save costs, but also improve the quality and performance of the PCB. This crucial phase determines the performance of the electrical circuits.
Fineline QPI informs you during the lecture PCB design and production. With their specific knowledge on this subject you will be helped to optimize your designs to achieve better performance, lower costs and higher reliability.
Jan Grooten and Peter de Ruiter from Altium discuss component management as a basis for shortening your design time. A well-organized database is a good foundation for the entire development process. The engineer can then immediately send the correct technical data regarding components to the manufacturer. This ensures lower production costs of the PCB, because the development process can be done right the first time. This lecture gives you insight into how to deal with metadata, data sheets, simulation models and 3D information.
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