The new 30 MHz to 4 GHz, 1.6 GHz Bandwidth, GPS-Disciplined OCXO, USRP Software Defined Radio Device – the Ettus USRP X440 – is a USRP Software Defined Radio (SDR) Device that helps you integrate hardware and software for prototyping high-performance , multichannel, wideband signal generation and analysis systems.

This SDR features 8 TX and 8 RX channels with a direct sampling transceiver architecture. It also features a Xilinx Zynq Ultrascale+ RFSoC with programmable FPGA supporting the open source UHD and RFNoC tool flows for integration of external up- and downconversion, filtering, and amplification front ends. With these features, the Ettus USRP X440 has the IF and processing performance for applications such as radar, EW, SATCOM and mmWave development and prototyping. Additionally, the Ettus USRP X440 includes a GPS-disciplined 10 MHz oven-controlled crystal oscillator (OCXO) Reference Clock, which improves frequency accuracy and synchronization.

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