The transition from fossil fuels to a sustainable energy supply is one of the biggest challenges of our time. With the Netherlands' commitment to halve CO2 emissions by 2030, both politics and industry must make tough choices. But at the same time, this energy transition presents enormous opportunities to tap into new markets, create jobs and become less dependent on foreign countries.

FHI members contribute to the energy transition in their own way. In order to shed light on this comprehensive theme from multiple angles, the four branches of FHI organize the Month of EnergyIn the month of June, several events and meetings will take place around the energy supply and infrastructure of today and the future.

Paul Petersen, director of FHI, says about the theme month: “During the Month of Energy, we organize events and meetings that focus on various technical solutions for energy. FHI brings together experts who answer the question 'How are we really going to do it?'”

The theme month starts on Thursday, June 8 with a members meeting around the issue of grid congestion: the electricity grid is overcrowded in many places, causing solar parks, wind turbines, but also companies and households to have to wait for a connection. Grid operator Stedin and producer of sustainable energy and operator of solar panels Solarfields discuss concrete solutions to relieve the enormous pressure on the electricity grid. On this theme day, FHI members will also share their knowledge with each other. The meeting will take place at the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences.

The Industrial Automation sector will present the brand new Energy in Industry event. The exhibitors will discuss important and current themes that play a role within the industry and the initiated energy transition. Major parties such as FrieslandCampina and TataSteel will also provide a number of lectures. The subjects of monitoring, energy management and grid congestion as a common thread throughout the lecture program. The event will be held in the Hotel van der Valk Vianen.

From the Industrial Electronics sector, the Power Electronics & Energy Storage event in 1931 Congrescentrum 's-Hertogenbosch on the agenda. Power electronics and energy storage have many interfaces and are inextricably linked. Visitors can view demos on the exhibition floor, while a comprehensive lecture program addresses the challenges that play a role in these areas of work. Because both power electronics and companies active in energy storage play a key role in the energy transition.

Laboratory Technology will inform its members about the subject of energy and other sustainable initiatives by means of a number of theme newsletters. The Building Automation sector is drawing up plans to pay a working visit to a project in which energy saving plays an important role during the theme month. More information about this will follow soon.

In the coming two months leading up to the theme month, FHI will extensively inform its members and other interested parties about the subject, speakers at the various events and other relevant developments. We hope to inspire our members with a successful Month of Energy to take on this complex challenge with confidence.

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FHI, federatie van technologiebranches