TBP's field of work is precision electronics for mission critical systems. Products that require very high quality and reliability. Knowledge institute imec helps the entire chain by offering DfX guidelines. The newest shoots on the trunk are those for Reliability Quantification and
Design for Robustness. 

Geert Willems leads the Electronics Design and Manufacturing Forum (cEDM) at imec, which offers these guidelines. “I know from my own experience that the design of electronics is primarily focused on the functionality in the application. By also paying attention to issues such as manufacturability and testability in the design phase, the delivery reliability and delivery quality increase. For all DfX angles, we help to optimize the design and production of printed circuit boards (PCBs) and printed circuit board assemblies (PCBAs). The product introduction is then faster, because the bottlenecks that would otherwise occur at a later stage, resulting in much higher costs, have been eliminated in the design phase.”

quality and reliability 
“It is not just about the required quality at the time of delivery,” Willems emphasizes. “The PCBAs must be reliable under the given circumstances for the specified lifespan according to the predetermined expectations. The PCBAs must also be able to withstand certain exceptional loads, or be sufficiently robust. That is why we started the INPROVOL project five years ago, which resulted in the Reliability Quantification and Design for Robustness Guidelines, as well as a number of guidelines that support product development. The guideline for reliability quantification ties in directly with the guideline for quality quantification (EDM-D-007) that we published a few years ago. After all, reliability is maintaining the quality of the product during its operation.”

The INPROVOL project team conducted scientific research with input from companies from the entire electronics chain, including tbp. Based on this, guidelines and models were developed to determine which parameters are critical. For example, the Failure Mode Effect Analysis (FMEA) helps to record the quality reliability risks and their impact. “Is it the connections, the components or is there a corrosion risk due to humidity? The designer can minimize these risks by adjusting the design, reducing the load or opting for a combination of both. The effect of the adjustments can be calculated with the model if the required quantitative failure models and parameters are known, so that the required lifespan and robustness can be predicted and assured in the design phase. If not all parameters are known yet, the FMEA methodology helps to estimate risks early in the design phase and take measures.”

independent knowledge partner
“The strength is that we offer scientific models to make concrete predictions, while we stay in touch with practice thanks to our partnerships and services,” Willems explains. “We are independent and use formats that are the global standard. They can therefore be applied throughout the chain, nationally and internationally. In addition to research, we offer advice to companies to implement the guidelines and solve bottlenecks in the design and production of electronics. We include these experiences in the development of our guidelines. We also organize seminars and training courses to share our knowledge.” 

early supplier involvement
tbp is a partner of imec and has all DfX Guidelines adopted by imec in the early supplier involvement services, also the new Reliability Quantification and Design for Robustness guidelines. From the earliest design stage, tbp can think along with clients to design pcba's
optimized for the highest possible value of ownership. Very important for pcba's for mission critical systems in various sectors.

about imec
imec is the largest independent European research centre in the field of microelectronics, nanotechnology, artificial intelligence, design methods and technologies for ICT systems. Main location is Leuven, Belgium. Member companies of imecs EDM Forum members can download all DfX Guidelines and many tools free of charge via the website, non-members can do this for a fee. For start-ups a reduced member rate applies.

FHI, federatie van technologiebranches