
The RVO has developed a quick scan for real estate organizations to tackle the challenges of sustainability. With the Energetic Real Estate Organizations Check, a building manager gets a first impression of possible areas for improvement. The quick scan was developed by the Sustainable Housing Platform in collaboration with the RVO.

Real estate organizations are faced with the challenge of making the building stock more sustainable so that there are virtually CO2-neutral buildings by 2050. Possibilities to achieve this goal include carrying out simple energy-saving measures, large-scale renovation or even demolition and new construction. This challenge requires an energetic and efficient organization.

The Check Energetic Real Estate Organizations instrument is intended for people working within real estate organizations with positions within management, management or a comparable level. And for whom the performance of the organization is important. Consider a head of real estate, head of management & maintenance, head of asset management or a head of projects.

More information via the RVO website.

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