From the chairman

Dear Members of the EMVT association,

After last Tuesday's COVID19 press conference, things are looking much brighter in terms of the association year, especially when it comes to meeting each other physically again.

In addition to information about the upcoming meetings, this newsletter also contains an article by KWx and an interview with the undersigned in the KEMA magazine Testingly.

I wish you a lot of reading pleasure and good health and see you at a physical meeting of the association.

Overview of activities for 2022: To note in your agenda

  • March 18, 2022: 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM Digital lunch session via Microsoft Teams
  • April 8, 2022: 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM Visit ESP Lab TU Delft and matchmaking Platform energy
  • June 14, 2022: Energy Storage/Power Electronics event Conference Center 1931 Den Bosch
  • June 21, 2022: Visit Dekra and matchmaking EMC-ESD association
  • September 14, 2022: Visit Cobra Kabel/Eemshaven
  • September 23, 2022: 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM Digital lunch session via Microsoft Teams
  • November 23, 2022: General Members Meeting of EMVT association

EMVT lunch session
On Friday, March 18, Guillermo Mier and Siddharth Kumar will give their presentation during the EMVT lunch session.
The title of the presentation by Guillermo (TU Delft, now DNV) is “Optimize the application of the PEA method for measurements of the space charge phenomena in HVDC components”. Siddharth (TU/e, now Hitachi Energy) will update you on “Electrical breakdown investigation in CO2 for high voltage equipment”.
Register now for the lunch session by sending an email to, stating Lunch Session.

Visit ESP Lab
The opening of ESP Lab/TU Delft took place at the beginning of October 2021. During this opening there was only room for a select number of guests, but on Friday April 8, as an EMVT member, you can get acquainted with the new lab. Would you like to be present? Then register here, stating ESP lab.

The road towards a sustainable traction industry
Reducing environmental pollution is one of the biggest challenges we are facing today. There are many global policies on climate control, in particular related to low carbon transport and infrastructure where the main aim is to reduce emissions within the mobility sector by 50% in the next few decades.
Emissions must decrease while the demands for transportation keeps increasing

In order to meet the goal of keeping the global climate at a level below 2 degrees of pre-industrial levels, the emissions of greenhouse gases (GHG) have to go down, while the demand for transportation rises globally. Rail transport is already a quite efficient mode from an ecological and economical point of view. Still, I have always believed that clear methodologies have to be formed to ensure the most resource-efficient way of operating this mode of transport in the future.
Read more …..

Testingly: interview Peter Vaessen
“My name is Peter Vaessen, I have a background in power engineering, and started working at KEMA – key goal at for power engineers at the time and sometimes still is – 36 years ago.

Before that, I was awarded a cum laude MSc degree in electrical power engineering from Eindhoven Technical University, The Netherlands, in 1985. The same year I joined KEMA (now a CESI brand). Read more ……
