Word from the chairman

Dear Members of the EMVT association,

The world is changing rapidly, there is now a war in Ukraine with a lot of suffering, energy prices are skyrocketing, as is inflation. For the first time in the Netherlands, more sustainable energy was generated on April 23 than was consumed. Read more….

In this newsletter we look back on the inspiring visit to the ESP lab at TU Delft and the CE marking meeting at FHI. But also the invitation to the matchmaking event with the EMC-ESD association at DEKRA on June 21.

Through this link you will come to the KEMA magazine Testingly, which this time focuses on technologies, solutions and proposals that green the electricity network, including a report of the on-line webinar about this and interviews with TenneT, Royal Smit Transformers and National Grid.

Enjoy reading and have a good holiday and perhaps see you soon at one of our next EMVT meetings.

On Tuesday afternoon, June 21, the matchmaking with the EMC-ESD association at DEKRA planned. The theme of this afternoon is: Reliable sustainable energy.

The afternoon ends with a visit to the EMC and Battery labs, among others.
Have you already registered? If you cannot be present yourself, a colleague is also very welcome!

Review of visit ESP Lab
On April 8, the time had come, we were allowed to visit Professor Pavol Bauer in Delft who would guide us through the ESP lab. For many it was one of the first times that we were able to be together again in a group, on location. For the EMVT association it was the first physical activity after a long time. Everyone was in a great mood.

After an intro from Peter Vaessen, we received a “short” intro from Pavol about his team and what is going on in the lab, followed by presentations from four team members. All topics are very current and relate to the future challenges arising from the energy transition that we are all currently in.
Read more….

TKI urban energy project FlexStation

The future energy supply will change significantly due to the introduction of sustainable energy, and demand will also increase due to further electrification of households and the charging of electric vehicles. The increasing fluctuation of supply and demand at district level requires more flexibility in the distribution network.

Good attendance and interaction at CE marking meeting

On Wednesday, May 11, 30 members of the EMC-ESD, EMVT or PLOT association met at FHI in Leusden for interesting and illuminating presentations on CE marking and product liability.

Jolien Huisman from the Ministry of Economic Affairs kicked off the meeting with a presentation about the history, future and social importance of CE marking. Bob van der Kamp of Lexsigma Advocaten then looked at Product Liability from a legal perspective and addressed the questions: who is responsible for product liability and how do I record this in a file?
Read more …..

Overview of activities 2022:

  • June 14, 2022: Energy Storage/Power Electronics event Conference Center 1931 Den Bosch
  • June 21, 2022: Visit Dekra and matchmaking EMC-ESD association
  • September 23, 2022: 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM Digital lunch session via Microsoft Teams
  • November 23, 2022: General Members Meeting of EMVT association at HAN