Welcome speech from the chairman

Dear Members,

It has been more than a year since the COVID-19 pandemic started, fortunately there is (vaccination) light at the end of the tunnel. In the past year we have therefore not been able to meet each other physically, in my opinion this is a great loss for an active association. Perhaps something will be possible again in this area in the last half of this year.

Cees Spee from Belpa, who was a co-board member for 2 years and mainly represented SMEs, has had a new job at Defense since April 1 and has resigned from his duties as a board member: “Cees, thank you very much for your efforts and constructive contributions to the EMVT association and Good luck and have fun in your new job!”

Now that Cees has left the board, we are looking for a new board member: preferably one of our SME members. The investment in time is approximately 20 hours per year, which includes 3x online and 1x physical board meeting and the annual EMVT event. On the revenue side, visibility for your business, networking and contacts are the most important considerations. If you are interested, please contact Miranda or the undersigned!

I also wish you a lot of reading pleasure and good health and perhaps see you at a physical meeting in the second half of the year.

Peter Vaessen, Chairman of the EMVT association

Students present PHD during lunch session on June 15, 2021
On Tuesday afternoon, June 15, from 12:30 PM to 1:30 PM, we will organize a lunch session for you as EMVT members, in which Martijn Roos and Soumya Bandyopadhyay, former students at TU Eindhoven and TU Delft, will present their PHD to you via Microsoft Teams.

PHD Martijn Roos
“Short-circuit-initiated island operation of modern distribution networks”.
The integration of renewable decentralized energy generation and the electrification of energy systems makes society increasingly dependent on the electrical energy supply. The reliability of the electrical energy supply is affected by short circuits, which occasionally occur due to, for example, excavation damage.
Read more……….

PHD Soumya Bandyopadhyay
“Smart power router for future DC Homes”
The advent of rooftop photovoltaics (PV), energy storage systems like a battery and high capacity electric vehicles (EVs) is changing the landscape of electrical distribution rapidly. Traditional electricity consumers like households, buildings (both commercial and residential) are augmented with these emerging technologies which are turning them into “Prosumers” (producer and consumer).

New EMVT members
The EMVT association welcomes two new members: Ben Maarleveld from Rohde & Schwarz and Peter Kolmeijer on behalf of DNV!

Welcome, we are all looking forward to getting to know each other physically this year.


Study integral energy system 2050: compass for urgent energy transition choices
With the report 'The Energy System of the Future', the Dutch grid companies provide detailed insight into what our energy management could look like in 2050.

The study was sent to the House of Representatives by outgoing Minister Van 't Wout at the end of April. Four scenarios for a climate-neutral, integrated system have been fully developed. Social considerations and political choices determine the route to 2050; the study indicates the consequences for space use, costs and implementation time. It is clear that (political) choices are necessary in the short term; For the major adjustments, the shovel must now be put into the ground in the right place.

Opening ESP lab TU Delft Friday October 1
In the previous newsletter we already informed you about the opening of the ESP lab. The final date has now been announced:

The lab opens on Friday, October 1. Please keep an eye on the TU Delft website for more information.
