NLWerktDoor: platform for employers with an urgent personnel requirement
For several weeks now, the NLWerktDoor platform has been up and running, an initiative of VNO-NCW, MKB-Nederland, FNV and various ministries, among others. The corona crisis is causing an acute decline in employment, while employers in technology or construction are urgently looking for skilled workers. This platform ensures that supply and demand are better aligned.
NLWerktDoor helps employers in their search for personnel, services and materials. In this way, further loss of production and employment in the Dutch economy can be prevented. With such innovative solutions, employers can continue to do business.
The platform is a collaborative initiative of public and private organisations. Employers who make a call via the website will receive a response within one working day and will be helped as soon as possible. Employers who have staff available can also post this on the website.
View the operation of the NLWerktDoor platform and the conditions on the website.