Modular PXI switching and simulation instrumentation allows companies to reduce upfront test system costs by 30-40% and scale easily as production grows. Pickering Interfaces, a premium supplier of modular signal switching and simulation solutions for use in electronic test and verification, has announced the company's continued investment in EV battery management system (BMS) testing by helping customers scale test solutions to meet throughput demands.


Growing demand for EV production requires scalable test systems

According to the Consumer Reports “Excess Demand: the Looming EV Shortage” report, consumer demand for EVs increased 350% between 2020 and 2022. As electric vehicles become more prevalent, demand grows for testing solutions that can validate complex BMSs quickly and thoroughly.

However, many automotive manufacturers struggle to expand BMS testing capabilities fast enough to meet accelerating production volumes. Capital costs and supply chain issues prevent scaling at the pace required.

Pickering's modular PXI products, such as the battery simulator or fault insertion modules, can be combined in various configurations for a flexible test setup. Engineers can seamlessly integrate new test components into existing architectures using the same PXI chassis and controller as requirements change.

“EV manufacturers must be ready to rapidly expand their test operations alongside production increases. Our modular approach to test systems allows users to incrementally increase system capacity and functionality to match evolving needs,” said Noman Hussain, Pickering Interfaces Vice President. “Systems can be right-sized for current needs, avoiding over-engineering, and then added to as demand grows. We find that this scalable approach reduces initial capital investment by 30-40%.”


Hardware-in-the-loop supports greater production by providing accurate validation early in development

Simulation techniques like hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) testing provide early validation in the product design cycle when the cost of making design changes is lower. HIL testing leverages Pickering's modular products to simulate an environment for BMS testing, enabling validation and verification of intelligent control algorithms and safety mechanisms. With HIL, BMS manufacturers can investigate performance by emulating charging and discharging cycles of new types of cells.


Pickering modules prove beneficial for long-term investment

Pickering future-proofs test systems with extremely long product lifecycles. Most modules remain available for 15-20 years and continue to be supported after that timeframe. As EV technology evolves, users can trust Pickering's flexible solutions will integrate with and adapt to new test needs.

Modular design, HIL simulation, and lasting product availability support engineers as they scale BMS testing. Pickering Interfaces provides solutions fine-tuned to the challenges of validation and verification in an electrified world.

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