Power Electronics week online: a unique edition. Don't miss it!
Since a physical event is not possible at the moment, we at FHI have been exploring the possibilities of an online event in recent weeks. Power Electronics event researched. Power Electronics has a large group of visitors that we would like to keep involved and informed about the topics that are important to them.
What are we going to do?
In the week of June 18, the originally planned date of the physical event, we will organize webinar sessions spread over the week. Just like during the live event, we offer exhibitors the opportunity to give a presentation during the webinar themselves.
Why participate in the digital Power Electronics event?
- A perfect alternative to a physical event, generate new leads online;
- Visitors are invited using segmented FHI database and that of exhibitors;
- You will receive the details of the visitor to your lecture;
- Branding in the form of: mentions on websites, newsletters, social media and attention via media partners;
- FHI provides software and the organization for offering your lecture(s);
- Possibility to offer your lecture 1 or 2 times;
- Interactive nature: get in touch with visitors via live chat and poll.
Would you like to participate in the event or receive more information?
You can still participate in the event. You can register via the digital registration form.
Here you can also submit the subject of your lecture. Registration is possible until Friday 29 May 2020.
Do you have any questions? Please contact Melvin Brink by email or telephone: 06 57 97 07 75.
More information about other digital events will follow soon.